
Jewish Art Calendar 5785

September 2024 - 2025

Dear Friend, 

Chabad has launched our annual Calendar Campaign. The beautiful, colorful calendar for the New Year 5785 corresponding to September 2024 – September 2025 will be distributed to over 5,000 homes and businesses throughout Cape Cod and will be seen by thousands more. 

It serves as a guide to the Jewish Year, to Jewish Holidays and Observances.  For some, it is their only Jewish connection. Others eagerly await its arrival each year so they can use it to record all their personal meetings and dates.

Please support the calendar campaign allowing us to distribute it widely, strengthening Jewish identity and community. 

There are several ways you can support the calendar campaign: 
1. Advertise your business – see below the various opportunities.
2. Place your family occasion on date of occurrence, i.e. birthdays, anniversaries and Yartzeits.
3. Include your name on the Community Greeting Page.

Our deadline is August 15, 2024 as the calendar will be sent in time for the High Holidays! 

Thank you for your participation and partnering with Chabad for a bright Jewish future, 

Calendar Committee


  Y    32 full-color pages on high- 
           quality gloss paper   

    Y    Large size: 8.25” x 10.875” closed, 
           16.5” x 10.875" open 

    Y    Big boxes for recording 
           appointments, notes, etc.

    Y    Notes all Jewish 

    Y    Beautiful full-color art
           reproduction on each page

    Y    The month in Jewish
            history feature



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