Visitor CenterNeed a place to eat on Shabbat? Where to find Kosher food? Where to stay? Looking for a place to pray? We can help you with all your Jewish needs.Read More
Come With Me to the OhelJoin the thousands of visitors coming in advance of 10 Shevat.Read More
Upward Without Limit7 Teachings From Basi Legani 5725Read More
Why Did Pharaoh Pursue the Jews?After enduring the devastation of the Ten Plagues, what sense did it make for the Egyptians to pursu...Read More
When G-d Is Hidden and Revealed“Tzimtzum” Through the Lens of the Chassidic Discourse Basi LeGani (5710, 5725 & 5745)Read More
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To strengthen Jewish pride, knowledge, and commitment. To provide a home where every person can experience the beauty, the warmth and the joy of their heritage. And to welcome all into a caring, non judgemental environment.
Quantum logic helps explain a halachic ruling of Maimonides, a puzzling story of the Talmud, a Midrash about the splitting of the Sea of Reeds, and a rabbinic teaching about the relationship between Torah and existence.