Mikvah on Cape Cod

A Jewish community is incomplete without a Mikvah.  The sages tell us that the building of a Mikvah takes precedence over the building of a Synagogue.  The Mikvah is the fountain of life, unity, and spirituality within the Jewish community.

There is currently no Mikvah on Cape Cod.  Plans are underway for the future construction of a Mikvah at the Chabad Jewish Center in Hyannis.  If you wish to contribute toward this cause or if you want to find out more about this project, please call our office at 508.775.2324 or visit http://capecodmikvah.com.

Nearest Mikvaos for now

The nearest Mikvaos to Cape Cod are:

Mikvah Mei Menachem
South Shore Community Mikvah

578 Washington St,
Canton, MA 02021
Call or Text: 781-269-2593
Email: [email protected]


Daughters of Israel - Boston Mikvah
101 Washington Street, Brighton, MA 
(next to Congregation Kadimas Toras Moshe). The Daughters of Israel Mikvah is under the supervision of the Bostoner Rebbe.

Chevrat Nashim - Mikvah Organization of the South Shore
9 Dunbar St
Sharon, MA 02067

Jewish Community Center
401 Elmgrove Ave.
Providence, RI 02906
By aapt only, 48 hrs. notice, please